Logging in to the Gezond.nl app is only possible with DigiD.
Don't have a DigiD account (yet)?
Go to DigiD.nl and apply for an account
Have you not yet installed the DigiD app? (smartphone or tablet)?
Go to DigiD.nl and download the DigiD app.
Do you see an error message while logging in with the DigiD app?
Click here for problems and solutions with the DigiD app.
Device settings
Some settings can hinder the login process.
- Use the Safari or Chrome browser. DuckDuckGo and other privacy browsers often do not work well with DigiD.
- Do not use a private or incognito mode when logging in.
- When you have many (99 or more) open tabs in your browser, close as many as possible.
- Close old browser tabs with which you have previously logged into Gezond.nl.
- Delete cookies and history from Gezond.nl
Are you getting a Network error?
Please see this article for more information on how to solve it.
Still not able to log in?
Submit a ticket. We will contact you within 1-2 office days
Do you have a healthcare question and you can't log in?
Check the website of your practice for telephone availability and numbers and call your practice.
Related articles
How do I download the Gezond.nl app?